05 March 2009

Cycled in PushButtonXtreme

I'm packing for a week out of town and wanted to give this quick update...

I cycled in the PushButtonXtreme, earning me $27! Yeah!

I am automatically cycled back into the matrix into the next available spot, and it starts all over again, indefinitively.

It's just like it says on the front page: just get in and get paid.
That's what I did, and I just got paid.

Get in line yourself:

==> http://Greentree.PushButtonXtreme.com

Another matrix where sponsoring is optional is The Pulsating Matrix.

I got paid my first commission in this one too!

There are now 5 Pulses, all re-arranging the entire matrix in favor of various factors each time.
For example, one matrix is traditional line of sponsorship.
Another favors the least earnings on down, where people who have earned the least find themselves at the top.
Another favors the least sponsored.
Yet another is for loyalty, or the longest in.

Check this one out to:
==> The Pulsating Matrix

Ok then, that's all for now.
Got to finish packing... :-)

Are You Earning Residual Income Yet?
The Pulsating Matrix

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