How would I explain Connecting Us All?
That's the question that was keeping me up last night, because this is a simple and great way for us to help each other -NO hype, NO fancy pitch, only SIMPLE, DIRECT people to people connection.
In this post, I concentrate on what this can do for you because
- when you help others, you help yourself
- and when you help yourself, you help others... isn't that funny how this works!
The art of Giving (or Gifting) has been and continues to be a part of numerous cultures throughout the world. In some cultures, it is an accepted method of raising finances.
The US Tax Code allows for tax-free gift of one individual to another of up to $12,000 during the period of one year. Unfortunately, due to negligence on the part of a few, it has at times received a bad rap here in the US.
CUA retains the service of several law offices to ensure everything is set following law abiding practices. All contacts for law offices, corporate offices and corporate members are clearly listed and available on the website. Offices are in Colorado and the UK. You can read about this aspect here.
Now to the nuts and bolts of how this work:
Whatever you give, you receive 4 times.
So, if you
give $20, you get $80
give $50, you get $200
give $100, you get $400
etc. on up the ranks.
There are 3 sets of cycles, each comprised of 5 levels.
Once you complete the 5 cycles in each set, this is your total potential receiving:
- Express Cycles - total potential: $3,680
- Automated Imagine System - total potential: $3,680
- Automated Classic System - total potential: $15,200
This is repeated over and over for as long as you wish it to.
Now let's get back to the more immediate picture.
I suggest you enter 2 cycles right away, and here's why:
- The first, Express Cycle, is manual. Each time you cycle you must manually re-enter.
Always re-enter at the same level just completed, AND at the next level, thus multiplying your returns.
- The second, Imagine System, is automated, meaning you automatically move up the ranks each time you cycle one level.
In getting this one started right away, you place yourself in position to have people move under you as they cycle out of the Express Cycle.
- The third, Classic System, will open up once you move up the Imagine System.
This is the Call To Action part:
1. Go to ConnectingUsAll and click on the Join Now link (upper right or bottom of page).
2. Enter your information; make sure your sponsor is: Greentree
3. Fund your wallet via AlertPay*
4. Enter Express Cycle 20 (give 20, receive 80)
5. Enter Automated Imagine System 20 (give 20, receive 80)
6. Invite others to do the same.
7. Cycle, cycle, cycle... :P
It's really is that easy.
*If you do not have an AlertPay account, do this first -it only takes a minute.
Cheers everyone -
P.S. For more details on CUA and other programs, see the Program Details page.
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